Frequently Asked Questions
Below are the answers to some of your most frequently asked questions. If your answers are not in the answered questions below, they'll be listed in our handbook—you'll find a downloadable copy in the Quick Links section. Please don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions you still have.
What is the dress code for Conemaugh Township Area Middle and High School?
Please note: It is the student’s responsibility to be familiar with the school dress code. We will send home or ask any student violating the dress code to change.
We do not permit the following:
- Apparel that tends to create a disturbance in the academic atmosphere
- Ribbed or spaghetti-strap tank tops, shirts exposing midriff, unbuttoned shirts (except at the neckline), shirts containing suggestive or "double meaning" statements, or shirts advertising alcohol, drugs, tobacco, or violence/weapons or extracurricular activity uniforms with short skirts, or clothes tending to overexpose
- Spandex clothing as outer clothing
- For safety reasons, we do not permit sleeves in shop and laboratory classes where this clothing could be potentially hazardous
- Hats (except on special days announced)
- Coats worn in the classroom unless directed by the teacher in charge.
- Chains other than 6” wallet chains
- Metal-spiked neck or wrist ware
- Safety pins or straight pins used on clothing or book bags
- No body piercing (except for ears)
We allow the following:
- Shorts, skirts, or dresses, but they must be to the fingertips of the students
- Sleeveless shirts are allowed as long as they are not made of ribbed material
- For safety reasons, students with hair below collar-length must provide an appropriate hair covering for shops and laboratories, such as hairnet or shortened nylon stocking cap
- Light denim jackets, vests, or sweaters/sweatshirts
- For safety reasons, there is a 6” maximum limit on wallet chains, and we do not permit any other chains in school
- Ear piercings
May my child drive to school if he/she has his/her driver’s license?
Students who desire to use transportation other than school buses (automobiles, motorcycles, bicycles, etc.) must remember that we have the ability to revoke this privilege at any time, and/or we may initiate legal prosecution if the student breaks the following rules:
- Students must register all vehicles in the high school office.
- Students must park their vehicles in the area designated for student parking and in designated parking spaces.
- We do not permit students to go to or move their vehicles during the school day without permission.
- We will only allow licensed motor driven vehicles on school property.
- The speed limit on school property is 15 miles per hour.
- Students must obey stop signs, either painted or free standing, at all times.
How do I report my child’s absence?
- Student illness
- Professional health care or therapy
- Quarantine
- Recovery from accident
- Required court attendance
- Death in immediate family
- 4H/FFA project (with prior approval)
- Religious holiday (with prior approval)
- Non-school-sponsored educational tours or trips (up to three days, with prior approval)
- College or post-secondary institution visits (with prior approval and documentation)
- Family emergency
We will consider all absences that are not classified into one of the above categories to be either unlawful or unexcused.
Students may not accumulate more than 14 days of absence with parent/guardian excuses for the school year. Students must have a physicians excuse for any absences over the 14th cumulative day of parent/guardian excuses.
The day after an absence, we require the student to provide the front office with a handwritten note from a parent/guardian or doctor. Excessive tardiness and/or absences from school will result in disciplinary action such as detention, suspension, or removal from the school roles.
For more details about our attendance policy, please view the attendance section of our student handbook, which you will find in the Quick Links section.
What should my child do if he/she becomes ill during the school day?
When a student becomes ill during class, he/she needs to obtain a hall pass from his/her teacher and report directly to the health room. We do not allow students to come to the health room between classes. In the event that no one is in the health room, the student is to report immediately to the high school office.
Back to TopIs my student allowed to have his phone while at school?
We do not allow our students to bring radios, tape/disk players, paging devices, and/or cellular phones to class or study halls, etc. These items must remain in the student's locker during the school day. Faculty and staff will confiscate cell phones if they see students with them throughout the day. If your child needs to make an emergency phone call, and he/she has a pass from his/her teacher, then we will allow him/her to use the main office phone. We do not allow students to use the office phone in between periods.
Back to TopHow will I be notified if school is going to be canceled?
If it is necessary to close the school because of inclement weather, please tune in to the following radio stations/television programs:
- WJAC Radio
- WKYE 96.5
- WFGI 95.5
- WJHT 92.1
- WRKW 99.1
- WNTJ 1490
- WNTW 990
- WCCL 101.7
- Channel 6,
- Channel 8
We will also make an announcement on our website.
What are the eligibility and fee requirements for participating in the athletics program?
We follow all PIAA regulations for student eligibility.
All student athletes must:
- Meet academic eligibility requirements
- Weekly tracking of all classes
- A failing cumulative grade in two classes will make any athlete ineligible to play
- Comply with our stated Code of Conduct
- Attend school regularly
- Attend practices
- Athletes are not required to attend practices, games, or competitions on Sunday
- Provide proof of Student Accident Insurance
- Be cleared to play by a licensed physician
- Return signed parental permission/information forms
- Concussion/Traumatic Brain Injury Information
Any student in our district may participate in Indian Athletics, including Cyber Academy and home education students. All students pay an activity fee once a year to help cover the costs of transportation, emergency personnel, and uniforms. Our booster clubs also help raise funds throughout the year to offset these costs and provide scholarships to our athletes. Here is a breakdown of the fees you can expect to incur by participating in Indian Athletics:
- Activity fee
- Once per year
- $30/first child
- $20/second child
- $20/third child
- Maximum family fee of $70/year
- Physical Exam
- $20 if completed by a school physician
- Apparel
- Only those items distributed by the district and kept by the athlete (team sweatshirts, hats.)